Saturday, October 22, 2011

We're eating inferior bananas.

The bananas our Grandparents ate were the Gros Michel (Big Mike) variety, a much tastier and larger variety than the one we eat today. But by the 1960's a fungus known as Panama disease virtually wiped out Big Mike and producers had to settle for the disease resistant Cavendish variety, a Vietnamese variety previously considered too small, less tasty and too easy to bruise.
Also a new strain of the fungus has emerged that Cavendish aren't immune to, leading to worries that bananas could once again be at risk.

1 comment:

  1. Yum, there are at least 5 types of banana's in the Philippines that we've tried. There are definitely some yummier then others! A guy from our Stake Presidency gave us a huge history of the different kinds and how to cook them, it was really interesting
