Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Water towers are cleaned out by scuba divers.

Over time sediment accumulates on the bottom of water tower tanks, this sediment can be a breeding ground for bacteria that can pollute the water supply. So specialized companies send scuba divers into the tanks to clean them up. Not only are they working 150-200 feet in the air, they're also working under 40 feet of water.

I knew it....mosquitoes are picking on me

If you are like me, a sporty type, with type O blood and are not as skinny as you used to be, you may feel like the summer pests are bothering you while leaving everyone else alone. Well your paranoia is confirmed, mosquitoes are in fact out to get you. Dr Yoshikazu Shirai, who holds a PhD in medical entomology, did research indicating those with type O blood were twice as attractive to mosquitoes than those with a different blood type.

Bulletproof vests were invented by a pizza delivery guy

Bulletproof vests weren’t invented by the army, or even the police. They’re the result of a brainwave by a beleaguered pizza delivery man in 1969. After being shot twice by while making a delivery in a rough part of Detroit, former Marine Richard Davis started thinking about a way to give people, particularly police officers who found themselves in the same situation, a second chance. With a roll of nylon and the straps from his car’s seat belts he set about creating his first design for body armour that could be concealed beneath clothes. Richard toured police stations shooting himself in the chest as a demonstration. He later switched to a design using  Kevlar, which is 230% stronger than the nylon he originally used.!/1041/the-pizza-guy-who-invented-the-bulletproof-vest/

Thursday, November 17, 2011

A degree in engineering or architecture may be useful at Pizza hut salad bars in China

Pizza Hut in China only allows the customer to make one trip to the salad bar with one plate of salad. Because there is not much horizontal space for the plate, customers have learned to cleverly engineer the way the plate their food and utilize as much vertical space as possible.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The most expensive photograph ever sold is just a picture of a river.

Rhein II is a photograph made by German visual artist Andreas Gursky in 1999. In 2011, a print was auctioned for $4.3 million (then £2.7m), making it the most expensive photograph ever sold. In the photograph is a  Rhine flows horizontally across the field of view, between green fields, under an overcast sky. The photograph has been described as a "vibrant, beautiful and memorable – I should say unforgettable – contemporary twist on the romantic landscape" and as "a sludgy image of the grey Rhine under grey skies". It just looks like a picture of a river to me.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Lethbridge was home to one of the biggest P.O.W. camps in Canada

During WWII many Italian and German soldiers were shipped over seas to be held in P.O.W. camps, one of these camps (Camp 133) was in Lethbridge. By November of 1942, 13,341 P.O.W.s were moved to Lethbridge (the population of Lethbridge at the time was just under 15, 000), to a camp constructed between 28th and 43rd Streets along 5th Avenue North. With the large number of prisoners, the camp became a city within itself. The camp was divided into six sections, each with six dormitories, mess halls, kitchens, and entertainment facilities. By necessity, meals were in shifts with prisoners acting as cooks. Tailor, barber, and shoe repair shops were also staffed by prisoners. Non-combat prisoners were engaged in their professions as doctors and orderlies in the infirmary and dental clinic. Many of the prisoners grew to love the area and returned once the war ended.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Jackie Chan is uninsurable.

Stunt man Jackie Chan has claimed that he and his stunt team have been "black listed" by insurance companies because the stunts they preform are too dangerous. As a result Jackie Chan has pledged that he will pay for the treatment of any one that is injured while preforming a stunt. "You hurt in my movie? I'll take care of you my whole life. That's my promise."